Indiana State Fair Coliseum

Project Notes

Part of a list of major improvements, the Indiana State Fair planned a major renovation to its iconic coliseum, and some it its adjacent accessory facilities. One key component necessary for the start of design by the Architect was the need for a highly detailed topographic and utility survey of the project area. Roger Ward Engineering provided the necessary surveying services consisting of numerous above-ground, underground, and interior survey measurements, including an as-built survey of the ice rink, outdoor horse arena, and alleyways. Roger Ward Engineering coordinated on a daily basis with the utility marking contractor as well as the facilities manager, and completed the work ahead of schedule so as to give the Architect advance review of the data.


Services Provided

  • Detailed Topographic Survey
  • Detailed Utility Survey
  • Coordination with Facilities Manager
  • Coordination with Utility Locator
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Indiana State Fair Coliseum